Tony the Tiger from Frosted flakes: Everything to Know

Tony the Tiger

When you think of popular brand mascots, Tony the Tiger likely comes to mind. With his memorable catchphrase, “They’re Grrreat!”, he has become an iconic figure in advertising and pop culture.

Tony the Tiger is also a figure who appeals across generations. Given how long he’s been around, it’s very possible that today’s youngest kids and their grandparents alike grew up with Tony.

Here’s everything you need to know about Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes.

Brief History

Tony the Tiger has been around a while! He’s been the mascot of the Frosted Flakes brand since 1952.

The original Tony the Tiger and his modern version. Credit Kellogs.

Of course, Tony didn’t always look the same as he did today. His look and mannerisms have changed a lot over the decades.

  • Introduced: 1952
  • Product: Frosted Flakes cereal by Kellogg’s
  • Purpose: To promote the cereal and make it appealing to children and families.

Tony the Tiger wasn’t the only character initially competing for the position of the face of Frosted Flakes. He won the popularity contest over Katy the Kangaroo, Newt the Gnu, and Elmo the Elephant.

Not sure about you, but we’d love to see the return of Newt the Gnu! Who exactly thought that a slimy lizard would be a good mascot for a cereal brand?

Physical Characteristics

Tony the Tiger is, of course, a tiger. But like many advertising mascots, from the Koolaid Man to the Charmin Bears, he’s been anthropomorphized to look more like a person.

Tony the Tiger on various Frosted Flakes boxes. Courtesy Kellogs.

Tony the Tiger is designed to appeal to kids with his big smile, cuddly appearance, and memorable catchphrase.

  • Species: Tiger
  • Color: Orange with black stripes
  • Clothing: Red bandana around his neck, sometimes seen with a blue nose

Changes Over the Years:

1950sSimple cartoon tiger
1970sMore muscular and detailed
1980sWearing sports gear for various ads
2000sMore modern, 3D animated look
Tony the Tiger today.
Tony the Tiger today. Courtesy Kellogs.

Famous Catchphrase

Tony the Tiger is known for his catchphrase, “They’re Grrrreat!”

The phrase says something about Frosted Flakes, while incorporating the idea that Tony is a tiger and thus has a “growl” as he speaks.

According to a recent study by Upwave, Frosted Flakes’ slogan is among the most memorable advertising slogans. More than 68% of people are able to recognize it.

  • “They’re Grrreat!”: This phrase is so iconic that it has been tradem arked by Kellogg’s.

The Voice of Tony the Tiger

Tony the Tiger is not just renowned for his vibrant appearance, but also for his distinct and resonant voice. Over the years, this voice has played a crucial role in establishing Tony’s identity in the hearts of many.

The Original Voice: Thurl Ravenscroft

  • Duration: 1952-2005
  • Significance: Thurl Ravenscroft’s deep bass-baritone voice became synonymous with Tony the Tiger. His commanding yet friendly voice gave Tony a larger-than-life persona that was both authoritative and endearing.

Later Voices:

  • Lee Marshall: After Ravenscroft’s passing in 2005, Lee Marshall took over the role and lent his voice to Tony the Tiger until his own death in 2014.
  • Tex Brashear: Post-2014, veteran voice actor Tex Brashear took on the mantle. He continues to bring Tony to life, maintaining the legacy of the iconic character while adding his unique touch.

The Voice’s Impact:

  • Consistency: The consistency in Tony’s voice, irrespective of the actor, has ensured that Tony the Tiger remains instantly recognizable, even if you were only to hear him and not see him.
  • Catchphrase Resonance: The catchphrase “They’re Grrreat!” would probably not have been as impactful had it not been for the booming and emphatic delivery by these talented voice actors.
  • Endearing Quality: A significant part of why audiences young and old feel connected to Tony is because of his voice. It’s warm, friendly, and inviting—just what’s needed to represent a breakfast cereal that families have loved for generations.

Role in Advertising

  • TV Commercials: Tony often appears in scenarios where he encourages kids or solves problems with the power of Frosted Flakes.
  • Print Ads: From comic strips to full-page ads in magazines, Tony has been a regular presence.
  • Digital Media: With the evolution of the internet, Tony has been adapted into web animations, online ads, and social media campaigns.

As an example of Tony the Tiger’s evaluation, he now has over 900,000 followers on Facebook.

Pop Culture Impact

  • Merchandise: Over the years, various Tony the Tiger merchandise has been created, from plush toys to clothing.
  • Crossovers: Tony has sometimes been seen alongside other brand mascots in special commercials or promotions.
  • Memes and Parodies: With his iconic status, Tony has been referenced in various internet memes, TV shows, and films.

Fun Facts

  • Tony the Tiger has his own star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame.
  • Tony’s voice was originally provided by Thurl Ravenscroft, who also sang “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” for the classic Dr. Seuss holiday special.
  • Over the years, Tony’s family has occasionally been featured in advertisements. This includes his wife, Mama Tony, and their children, Tony Jr. and Antoinette.


Tony the Tiger has stood the test of time as one of the most recognizable and beloved advertising mascots in the world.

From his early days as a simple cartoon character to his evolution into a dynamic 3D animated figure, Tony remains a symbol of energy, positivity, and the delicious taste of Frosted Flakes. Whether you’re a child at heart or introducing the next generation to this iconic tiger, one thing’s for certain: Tony the Tiger will always be “Grrreat!”

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